Built on a Solid Foundation
TFS’ leadership team has more than 55 years of combined program management, grant monitoring, compliance and reporting experience. TFS has a combined 51 full-time, part-time, AmeriCorps members, and consultants engaged in the work of the organization. The organizational track record includes consistent compliance with complex public and private grant acceptance requirements. TFS has successfully managed 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grant awards since 2008. In the most recent evaluation of 21st CLCC grantees, TFS programs were ranked first in math and second in reading outcomes for youth out of 24 programs—and identified by the same evaluator as a “best practice” OST model.
TFS also maintains a large portfolio of foundation and corporate grantor relationships, all of which have specific monitoring and reporting requirements. TFS has years of organizational knowledge related to online databases and grant management systems including the Enterprise Grant Management System (EGMS), Philantrack, Oncorps, E-grants, Profile Performance Information Collection System (PPICS), and the Annual Performance Report (APR) database.
TFS’ Program staff’s competence is bolstered by training based on best practice for OST including safety, sound program delivery, parent and community engagement, and supporting a positive social/emotional climate for children. TFS’ Board of Directors consists of 13 individuals with a passion for service to youth, with responsibilities including establishing long- and short-term goals; ensuring legal and ethical integrity; maintaining accountability; supporting the Executive Director; and assessing the Executive Director’s performance.
Perhaps the best indicators of TFS’ capacity to accomplish its goals are our 27 years of operations as an OST provider, the 5,000 youth we have served during this time, and the fact that our programs are effective.
For more information about The Fishing School and to get involved, please visit www.fishingschool.org, or call (202) 399-3618.
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