The Fishing School Alumni

Our alumni are family for life and help us build even better experiences for students.

The Fishing School Alumni

Our alumni are family for life and help us build even better experiences for students.

Alumni Are Family for Life

Former students and their parents are an important part of our work. Many of our alumni stay connected to the organization to help build an even better experience for current and future students.

If you’re an alumni or an alumni’s parent, consider getting involved with The Fishing School through the following:

  • Network: Meet other The Fishing School alumni, alumni parents, and Board members at The Fishing School functions and events.
  • Volunteer: Change the lives of current students by helping them succeed.
  • Support: Make The Fishing School a philanthropic priority and give back to your community.
  • Connect: Stay in touch with other The Fishing School alumni, alumni parents, and your teachers.

We encourage all alumni and their parents to reach out to us and share updated contact information. We’ll share The Fishing School’s achievements and progress, invite you to special events, and stay connected with one another.

Contact Christopher Anuzis to share your alumni news or inquire about ways to reconnect with The Fishing School.

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