Eliminating the Achievement Gap
Research shows that 3 to 6pm are the peak hours in which youth commit crimes; become victims of crimes; and experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sex. The risk of exposure to such activities is even higher for children from lower-income families. Research indicates that participation in high-quality OST programs can help to eliminate the achievement gap which has increased by 30% in the last 30 years.
Our Elementary Afterschool Program for 1st to 5th graders operates from August through June, 3:15 to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Designed to both bridge the academic achievement gap and build life skills, this Program keeps kids safe and learning in the out-of-school time hours. Learn more about our curriculum components.
For more information about The Fishing School and to get involved, please visit www.fishingschool.org, or call (202) 399-3618.
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