The Fishing School

The Fishing School

Teaching With Technology

Disparities in access to technology can lead to disparities in educational and economic outcomes in the future.  TFS knows that it is imperative for youth to have access to a computer and the internet—in addition to high-quality instruction and software platforms—in order to develop technological skills for tomorrow’s educational requirements and workforce.

As only 38% of TFS families have internet access in their homes, TFS developed a Technology Plan to support and formalize incorporating technology into the Cohort Model through daily access to laptops for program participants; the use of web-based applications, such as i-Ready; and highly interactive, hands-on activities, which encourage inquiry-based learning.  Current students will graduate into a world in which their familiarity and effectiveness with technology has a greater impact on their career prospects than ever before, and TFS is committed to preparing our students for this challenge.

Technology is infused into most program components, including i-Ready, the use of virtual tools to support youth development, and daily access to internet resources through TFS-provided laptops at school sites.  We are the primary provider of laptop computers at our schools, which are used to deliver our online curriculum and extend technology access to our participants. Software on the computer equipment includes the Microsoft Suite and NetSupport, which enables instructors to efficiently monitor and troubleshoot student activity on the computers.

For more information about The Fishing School and to get involved, please visit, or call (202) 399-3618.

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